I couldn't sleep, and I kept thinking about the way it feels to tell your lover that you love them. Especially that first time, where you smash through that barrier, and the fragments and shards hang in the air, and time stops moving. Like it's your first truly shared moment. So I wrote a thing. It's raw. Be nice.
I love you
And the world stops
The moment shatters around us
And the fragments sparkle and fall.
I love you
And the world stops
The night breeze is still
And breath stays trapped in our lungs.
I love you
And the world stops
The silent echo bounces
And reverberates, deafeningly, between lips and ears.
I love you
And the world stops
And we become timeless
And we stand, together, for eons
I love you
And the world stops
And the fragments tumble and clatter, and the white noise deafens, and time stands still
But we no longer care, or notice
We just started our own world.